Satinder Sartaj Song Lyrics

Satinder Sartaj Song Lyrics Rating: 3,7/5 7820 votes

Saga Music presents mesmerizing heart touching new Punjabi song “Dil Nahion Torhida” in the soulful voice of Satinder Sartaaj from the biggest Punjabi Album “Season of Sartaaj”. Music given by versatile director Jatinder Shah.

Aaaa a a a reeeeeee koe ali akhe koe vahli akheeee koe kahe data aaaa sache malkan nu menu samaj na ave eee ki naam deva, is gol (72577)Lyrics latest>SAI>SATINDER SARTAJ Punjabi Lyrics. Find the song lyrics for Satinder Sartaaj - Top Tracks. Discover top playlists and videos from your favorite artists on Shazam!

Title: Dil Nahion Torhida
Album: Seasons Of Sartaaj
Singer: Satinder Sartaaj
Music: Jatinder Shah
Lyrics: Satinder Sartaaj
Produced by: Sumeet Singh
A Film By: Sunny Images
DOP: Tony Buttar
Edited By: Aryan Chopra & Tony Buttar
Label: Saga Music
Digitally Managed By: Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd.

Dil Nahion Torhida Lyrics Full Song:

Kahton keethi eh assan de naal bass ve?
Koi dosh assaan da dass ve
Ke injh mukh naiyyon morhida, dholna
pyaarya……….ke inj dil nahiyo torida

Meri Jaan Lyrics

Pyar tere naal dassaan ki mein, kinna eh?
0 Paani satthaan sagaraan de vich jinna eh
Meri akhiyaan de vichon paani rissda
Bandh naina nu vi mukh tera dissda
Ve rohndeyaan naiyyon cherhidaa, dholna
pyaarya… ve injh mukh naiyyon morhida

Yaad aun gallaan teriyaan pyariyaan
Tennu thakkdeyaan saddhra kuaariyan
Karaan yaad mein saverey atthey shaam ve
Lavvaan Allah thon vi pehlan tera naam ve
Ke Naale hatthaan nu vi jorridaa, dholna
pyaarya… ve injh mukh naiyyon morhida

Shamaan peh gaiyyaan ne, shahr tera duur eh
Jaanda Jiddhar nu chirrhiyaan da puur ve
Mera leh jayeo suneha janndey pancchiyo
2 Chetti aaveh ‘Sartaaj’ des nu vi aakheyo
Ke Shaami ghar valeh Barridaa, dholna
pyaarya… ve injh mukh naiyyon morhida

Kahton keethi eh assan de naal bass ve?
Koi dosh assaan da dass ve
Ke injh mukh naiyyon morhida, dholna
pyaarya……….ke inj dil naiyo todida

Dil Nahion Torhida :


Aarsi – Satinder Sartaaj – Lyrics with English meaning and translation

Satinder Sartaaj – Aarsi(The Mirror) – Lyrics in English

Satinder Sartaaj – Aarsi(The Mirror) – Lyrics in English

Satinder Sartaj All Songs

Aarsi aarsi aarsi
ni maaye bolda pyar naal
Aarsi aarsi aarsi
ni maaye bolda pyar naal

Aarsi (The Mirror) aarsi aarsi
oh mother he speaks with love
Aarsi aarsi aarsi
oh mother he speaks with love

bolda pyar naal farsi
ni maye bolda pyar nal
bolda pyar naal farsi ni
maye bolda pyar nal

speaks with love Farsi(language)
oh mother speaks with love
speaks with love Farsi(language)
oh mother speaks with love

hoo jado munday ve tera pya c shvara
hoo jado munday ve tera pya c shvara
college to toli kahto ayi ve mundya How to activate autocad 2015.

oh boy when it was your engagement
oh boy when it was your engagement
why did the group from college came there

Youtube punjabi satinder sartaj

scho schi dsi ranjna ve
pehla tani heer koi bnai mudya
scho schi dsi ranjna ve
pehla tani heer koi bnai mudya
scho schi dsi ranjna ve

tell me the truth oh dear
have you ever made a girlfriend
tell me the truth oh dear
have you ever made a girlfriend
tell me the truth oh dear

ho chite kurte te ful tryai da
tenu ishq lga bhrjai da
ve sada sang shod de
ji ve dhola, dhol jani
sadi gali ayi na ve mehrbani
sadi gali ayi na ve mehrbani

their is flower on white kurta
you are in love with brother’s wife
oh leave my group
oh live long der, you lovely
don’t come to my street i will ve thankful
don’t come to my street i will ve thankful

ho je mundya ve tu hal ni jodna
ho je mundya ve tu hal ni jodna
mein bhi ni dhrni dal mundya

Satinder Sartaj Sai Song Lyrics In Hindi

oh boy if you will not go to fields for farming
oh boy if you will not go to fields for farming
I will not make the Daal

roti khai mircha de
naal mudnya a
khai mircha de nal munda
roti khai mircha de
naal mudnya a

then you will eat the chapaati
with pepper
will eat with pepper
then you will eat the chapaati
with pepper

ho ranja ta mera sayiyo fullaan da shoni
ho ranja ta mera sayiyo fullaan da shoni
fullaan di sej bchanda ni

oh girls my dear is fond of flowers
oh girls my dear is fond of flowers
place flower on the bed

ho pla doriye da mar ke
doriye da maar ke jgauda ni
pla doriye da mar ke
doriye da maar ke jgauda ni
pla doriye da mar ke

he wakes me up wuth side of doriya
wakes me up wuth side of doriya
he wakes me up wuth side of doriya
wakes me up wuth side of doriya
he wakes me up wuth side of doriya

hun pai giya tkala ve
hun pai giya tkala ve
bicho teri sukh mngdi
kda uto uto gala ve
bicho teri sukh mgdi ve
kda uto uto gala ve

now it’s evening
now it’s evening
I pray for you from inside
and scold you only to show off
I pray for you from inside
and scold you only to show off

Satinder Sartaaj – Aarsi(The Mirror) – Lyrics in English

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Satinder Sartaaj – Aarsi(The Mirror) – Lyrics in English